Being both a student and an entrepreneur is possible! Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and its partners can help you to set up your business.

Pépite CreaJ-IDF


The objectives of Pépite CréaJ IDF can be summarized as follows:

• Training and raising the awareness of students regarding entrepreneurship and innovation
• Assisting students and young graduates with their business projects with the help of their partners
• Putting project leaders in contact with the aid and funding organizations of PEPITE
• Sharing teaching resources related to entrepreneurship and innovation with the higher education institutions of PEPITE
• The attribution of the status of « Student-Entrepreneur » to the students and young graduates targeted by the scheme

The status of student-entrepreneur


One quarter of young people say that they want to set up their own company one day. However, only 3% of people who set up a company are young.

Out of 2.5 million students, about 10,000 per year would set up a company.

Given the many constraints inherent in creating a company and the difficulty of accommodating one’s studies at the same time as carrying out a business project, many students do not take the leap.

The status of “student-entrepreneur” created by the Ministry for State and Higher Education and Research will ease the path of students and young graduates by providing them with the means and skills required to succeed in their projects.

Thus, students and young graduates will be given assistance with setting up their businesses (mentors, co-working space, etc.) as well as administrative support (organization of studies, social security, the option of substituting an internship with a business project, etc.).

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Incub’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Incub’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord is a general-purpose incubator that supports people with projects to create innovative companies, particularly in the fields of the engineering sciences, new information and communication technologies, and the eco-industry.


It is primarily intended for:

• project leaders and the creators of innovative companies based on public or private research (industrial world). Incub’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord is also open to researchers who want to become entrepreneurs as well as researchers who want to continue their research activities at the same time as setting up their company.

• project leaders and the creators of innovative companies connected with research laboratories (students, PhS students, former students, etc.).

• any civil citizen with an innovative project in the fields of the engineering sciences, new information and communication technologies, and the eco-industry.

• potential spin-off companies (companies created on the basis of a new technology owned by the original company).

• young companies less than two years old: the incubator can help these companies to transform a concept or an idea into an actual project.

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