
The Research Committee is consulted regarding the general direction that should be taken in research policy and scientific and technical documentation. The actions taken by the Research Committee differ depending on whether it meets in a plenary or restricted session.

The Office for Research and Doctoral Studies acts as the secretariat of the Research Committee.

  • The university’s research policies

    Activities of the Research Committee

    Election of the vice-president, external members, permanent guests, administrative staff, composition of the working groups, calendar, etc.

    Research budget

    Funds for laboratories, doctoral schools, the RC’s calls for proposals, etc.

    HR research policy

    Criteria for the PEDR prize, criteria for scientific evaluations in relation to the promotion of teaching researchers.

    Calls for research projects

    Procedure, evaluation, funding (BQR, SF, PTF, conferences, publications, foreign PR/MCF visitors, etc.)

    Laboratory policy

    Directors’ proposals, internal rules, evaluation of proposals, terms and conditions of agreements, sharing of publications, etc.

    Value creation policy

    Assessment of research contracts, joint actions with the SAIC, CG93, competitiveness clusters, the AVRILE association, etc.

    Doctoral studies policy

    Assignment of employment contracts to PhD students, evaluation of the directors and external persons in the doctoral school committees, internal rules of the doctoral schools, evaluation of PhD applications, terms and conditions of agreements, procedure for the recruitment of PhD students on employment contracts, thesis charter, etc.

    • Doctoral schools: annual activity report, training and professional insertion of PhD graduates
    • General information: The Sorbonne Paris Cité Higher Education Community, Condorcet Campus, the Higher Education and Research Act, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord’s research budget, etc.
    • Scientific documentation policy and access to digital resources (libraries)
    • Political and social sciences: spread of the sciences, regional partnerships, etc.

  • Sabbaticals

    Newly appointed associate professors, heads of large-scale scientific projects, laboratory directors or doctoral schools, heads of “laboratories of excellence” (Labex) and lecturers and high school teachers pursuing PhDs.

    • Requests for honorary status for associate professors and for emeritus status for full professors and associate professors who are authorized to supervise research
    • Award of PEDR prizes for research
    • Requests for integration into research units (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord/outside of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
    • Follow-up and procedures for references and dismissals
    • Appointment of representatives to the CNRS, INRIA, etc.
    • Recategorization of associate professors and full professors
    • Requests for transfers within the CNU
    • Recruitment campaigns and renewals of ATER and PAST positions
    • Formalization of authority to supervise research
    • Accreditation of external persons as research supervisors.