It is possible for you to have your sport practice included in your degree through either a proper grade or through bonus points (for B.A, Master or DUT students).
Please contact the secretary for your main subject or the secretary for the DAPS (Département des Activités Physiques et Sportives, Physical Activities Department).
Students on the main campus in Villetaneuse > Registration will open on September 16th
Students on the Bobigny campus > Registration
Students on the Saint-Denis campus > Registration
For all queries, please visit the DAPS office (on the first floor of the J. Richardson sports centre on the Villetaneuse campus) or call 01 49 40 30 69.
There will be an assessment each semester; you will be required to have attended at least 9 classes (out of 14 slots available) to be assessed.
2/3 of your final grade will be made up of a practical assessment
The number of classes you will have followed will greatly affect your final grade. Practicing regularly and at length will enable you to improve fast. Involvement, motivation and personal commitment will count towards half of your final practical grade while personal progress and technical skills will count towards the other half.
1/3 of your final grade will be made up of a theoretical assessment
You will have to choose one of the four following themes and explain how it is relevant to your course.
• General knowledge of the chosen physical activity (historical, technical and tactical aspects, rules)
• Collective organisation, project management
• Health improvement, effort management
• Environment awareness, stress management and risk-taking
For this part of the assessment, you will choose between:
• An oral
• An essay or a multiple-choice questionnaire
• A presentation (individually or in group)
• Situational/simulation exercises
PLEASE NOTE: the timetable for classes is to be found on the DAPS schedule.
Erasmus students
Erasmus students can get 3 ECTS via the sports module: a form is available at the SREI (Service des Relations Européennes et Internationales, office L101).
Director of the DAPS: Bruno Telleschi