A PhD is a research degree that is usually completed in three years.
At Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, the research component of PhD courses are carried out in a laboratory or as part of a research team belonging to the Erasme Doctoral School in the case of the human and social sciences, or in a laboratory or as part of a research team belonging to the Galilée Doctoral School in the case of the hard sciences, health, medicine, human biology and chemistry or the Doctoral School of Drugs, Toxicology, Chemistry and Imaging.
List of titles of dissertations produced by PhD graduates of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Decree of August 7, 2006 regarding PhD studies
Registering for a PhD course
Below you will find all information regarding the pursuit of a PhD at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.
Admission to the first year of a PhD
• Decree of August 7, 2006 regarding PhD studies
Those wishing to apply for a PhD course must be holders of a two-year research-based Master’s degree or a DEA. If this condition is not fulfilled, the head of the university can obtain an exemption, subject to the opinion of the Research Committee, to authorize the registration of the following students:
• Holders of a two-year vocational Master’s degree or a DESS or an equivalent degree
• Foreign candidates who have studied to an equivalent level abroadRegistration for a PhD course must be approved by the research supervisor, the director of the research laboratory, and the director of the doctoral school before final approval by the head of the university.
Step 1: Applying
An application pack can be obtained from the doctoral schools. Please contact your corresponding doctoral school:
Administrator for the ERASME Doctoral School
Telephone: + 33 1 49 40 32 56 // ecoledoc-erasme@univ-paris13.frAdministrator for the GALILLE Doctoral School
Telephone: + 33 1 49 40 20 65 // ecole-doctorale.galilee@univ-paris13.frAdministrator for the MTCI Doctoral School
Telephone: +33 1 76 53 01 19 // mtci@parisdescartes.fr et direction.mtci@parisdescartes.frApplications for the Erasme Doctoral School should contain:
Holder of a research-based or vocational degree at master’s level or a DEA/DESS
• 1 copy of a certificate of completion of studies and your overall grade/degree classification
• 1 certified copy of your transcript of results
• 1 dissertation or equivalent, and your publications if relevant (only Vocational Master’s degrees and the DESS).Your original degree certificate will be requested from you when you register as a student with the university.
Non-holder of a research-based or vocational degree at master’s level or a DEA/DESS
• 1 certified copy of your final transcript of results
• 1 copy of your highest university degree certificate (together with a sworn translation in the case of foreign degrees)For all applicants
• 1 curriculum vitae
• 1 proof of funds
• 1 concise dissertation proposal (maximum 10,000 characters), approved by your research supervisor
• 1 career plan
• 1 brief supporting letter by your research supervisorApplications for the Galilée and MTCI Doctoral Schools should contain:
Holder of a research-based or vocational degree at master’s level or a DEA/DESS
• 1 copy of a certificate of completion of studies for a two-year research-based or vocational Master’s degree
• 1 copy of your transcript of results for a two-year research-based or vocational Master’s degree and your degree certificate
• DEA or DESS and your degree certificate
• 1 curriculum vitae
• 1 proof of funds
• 1 concise dissertation proposal (maximum 10,000 characters), approved by your research supervisorNon-holder of a research-based or vocational degree at master’s level or a DEA/DESS
• 1 copy of your highest university degree certificate (together with a sworn translation in the case of a foreign degree)
• 1 dissertation or equivalent, and your publications if relevant
• 1 curriculum vitae
• 1 description of your academic/career background to date
• 1 covering letter (description and justification of the research you propose to do)
• 1 proof of funds
• 1 concise dissertation proposal (10,000 characters maximum), approved by your research supervisor.For all applicants
• One career plan
Step 2: agreement of the research supervisor
PhD studies are pursued under the supervision of a research supervisor (who is accredited to supervise research). Students who wish to apply to do a PhD must contact a professor who is able to supervise their research. A dissertation can also be supervised jointly by two joint research supervisors.
Step 3: student registration
Procedure for registering as a PhD student
Once they have been accepted onto a PhD course, candidates must register as students with the Office for Research and Doctoral Studies (BRED) and then with Student Services.
Students who have previously registered at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
The Office for Research and Doctoral Studies will inform the students by e-mail of the creation of their code that authorizes them register for a Digital Work Space. The student must then:
• drop off or mail all the documents specified during on-line registration at/to Student Services.
• settle the registration fees on the same day. Student can pay their registration fees by debit card or check/postal order to the name of the Accountant of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Cash is not accepted.
Students external to Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
The Office for Research and Doctoral Studies (BRED) will arrange a meeting with the student and e-mail a list of documents to be provided. The student must go to the Office for Research and Doctoral Studies (BRED) at the time of the scheduled appointment to finalize his or her application. The student must then go to Student Services in order to:
• submit the complete application.
• pay the registration fees on the same day by debit card or check/postal order to the name of the Accountant of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Cash is not accepted.
Renewal of registration in the second and third years of a PhD course
PhD students must register (payment of registration fees and issuance of student card) at the start of each academic year.
Stage 1: Request for renewal of registration in the second and third years of a PhD course
At the end of June, the PhD student will receive an application form for renewal of their student registration for the second or third year of their course, which must contain a supporting statement by their research supervisor and the approval of the laboratory director and director of the doctoral school concerned. This document must be completed and submitted to the Office for Research and Doctoral Studies (BRED) as soon as possible so that the PhD student can obtain authorization to renew their registration for the new academic year.
Stage 2: Renewal of registration
The Office for Research and Doctoral Studies will inform students by e-mail of the creation of their code that authorizes them register for a Digital Work Space.
• Interactive form for registration for a 4th or 5th year
• Interactive form for registration for a 6th or higher yearRegistration in the central database of dissertations
Newly registered PhD students must declare their research topic in the central database of dissertations (form available from the doctoral schools).
Signing of the dissertation charter
The PhD student must sign the dissertation charter, which is a document that specifies his or her rights and obligations. In addition to the PhD student, the research supervisor, laboratory director and the director of the doctoral school concerned must sign this document.
Dissertation charter
Students conduct their research under the supervision and control of a research supervisor in accordance with the procedures provided for in the dissertation charter.
Procedure for defense of dissertation
The dissertation defense consists of a public presentation before a panel of judges of the research findings produced by the PhD student under the control and supervision of a research supervisor of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. It can take place at any time during the year once the student has duly registered with the university and in the central database of dissertations for the academic year in which the defense should take place.
Candidates must contact the BRED (Office for Research and Doctoral Studies) to obtain the documents required to schedule their defense.
Procedure for defense of dissertation