
If you want to study at Paris University 13 and are looking for funding, you can find a number of programs below that will help you to finance your studies in France.

  • Directory of grants and scholarships of Campus France: with the CampusBourses search engine you can quickly find information about financial aid and conduct searches based on your profile. From theLicence to post-docs, the directory contains the schemes of government institutions, local associations, companies, foundations and universities.

    • To learn more…

    • CampusBourses Directory

  • The Graduate School in Mathematics & Computer Science of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University (PNGS-M&CS) awards grants for Master and PhD studies.

    Contact :

    More information

    The PNGS-M&CS Graduate School is designed as a high-level international master’s and doctoral curriculum, built upon three local masters: Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and Innovation in Images and Networks. Students enrolled in this graduate school have the opportunity to attend classes from different masters, supplemented by specific classes.

    Three research laboratories of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University actively participate in this graduate school: LAGA, the laboratory of mathematics, LIPN, the laboratory of computer science, L2TI, the laboratory for visual information and network analysis and processing. These laboratories form the MathSTIC Research Federation that supports and encourages their interdisciplinary research, and gathers more than 170 professors and full-time researchers. The interactions and complementarity of mathematics and computer science are highlighted in the graduate school to promote interdisciplinary teaching and research. Students of the PNGS-M&CS school will be in close contact with current research through internships within the partner laboratories, and participation in seminars and conferences organized locally, doing short internships in the laboratories, and working on open problems.

    After their second year of master studies, students continuing with PhD studies within the PNGS-M&CS will join the Galileo Doctoral School.

    Theses grants are open to both French and international students of any citizenship. The selection is based solely on criteria of academic excellence and motivation. Lectures and/or documents are provided in English, and students must have a sufficient proficiency in English to follow.Non French speaking students are strongly advised to attend French courses.

    The student awarded a scholarship will receive a monthly grant up to 1000€ at maximum: 600€/month + a housing complement of 400€/month upon justification (rental lease).

    Students from abroad will have preferred access to student housing facilities (CROUS), and will be reimbursed a return trip from their home country to Paris (economic fares only).

    The PNGS-M&CS graduate school will help the students in the administrative procedures related to moving to France and studying (applying for a visa, finding housing, insurance, banking, (pre-)registering into the master, etc).

    The PNGS-M&CS graduate school will also offer pedagogical and scientific support: each student will have a tutor from one of the participating laboratories, will have regular contacts with the head of the master and the graduate school, will participate in specific meeting for sharing information, and will be advised in his/her search for internships or advisers. Specific activities (welcome day, cultural activities, seminars) targeted at PNGS-M&CS students of all level of studies aim at easing the development of a social network.


    Candidates to an PNGS-M&CS Master grant apply online on the PNGS-M&CS website. In parallel, they apply to one of the three masters of the PNGS-M&CS perimeter at the Galileo Institute of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University (also known as University Paris 13), either via the “Études en France” program for countries participating in it, or the E-candidat platform of the University Sorbonne Paris Nord.

    There are two calls a year (October-February and March-beginning of May, see date on website below).

    Online application :

    All applications will be reviewed. The selection is made on decision of the Scientific Committee of the PNGS-M&CS, upon criteria of academic excellence and motivation, taking into account the coherence of the curriculum and the project of studies.

    The PNGS-M&CS school has a policy of equal opportunity in the evaluation process of all applications.

    Female candidate are particularly encouraged to apply.

    We ask students joining the PNGS-M&CS graduate school to arrive in Paris around September 1st.

  • Campus France is launching its Eiffel scholarship scheme for 2015-2016. The schedule for the upcoming selection of recipients of Eiffel scholarships (2015-2016 cohort) is as follows:

    • Opening of call for applications ( October 21, 2014
    • Deadline for the submission of applications to Paris University 13: December 9, 2014
    • Deadline for the submission of applications to Campus France: January 9, 2015
    • Meeting for the selection of candidates: March 2015
    • Declaration of results on the website of Campus France: week of March 23, 2015

    The Eiffel scheme can fund:

    • a Master’s course (or engineering degree)
    • study abroad for 10 months in relation to the joint supervision of a dissertation (priority is given to second- and third-year PhD students)


    The European and International Relations Services (SREI) will be responsible for managing all applications and passing them on to Campus France by the set deadlines.

    Applications for 2016-2017 can be submitted from… The deadline for the submission of applications to the European and International Relations Services (SREI) is December 9, 2014. Applications received after this date will not be processed.

    Applications packs can be downloaded below. You must complete the materials and return them to the head of your desired course of study (Master’s or PhD). You must ensure that the department or institute concerned passes on your COMPLETE application to us once it has been approved by the director.

    DOWNLOAD: MASTER’S application materials AND MASTER’S application guide

    DOWNLOAD: Application materials and application guide for PHD APPLICANTS

    Please note that there are separate application forms for Master’s and PhD applicants as well as different corresponding guides.

    You will find complete information about the Eiffel program at the website of Campus France, which runs the program for the ministry, as well as the latest version of the guide for the program, which particularly specifies ineligible cases and a list of the required supporting documents.

    For more information and contact at Paris University 13: Mr Emmanuel Benoit:

  • Grants from the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (Francophone Higher Education Agency)

    The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie is one of the largest academic and research associations in the world. It has been working to support academia in the French-speaking countries since 1989. It brings together close to 800 universities across the five continents in about 100 countries.

    The AUF’s mission is to promote and support the emergence of new skills that serve development through high-quality and diverse models for teaching, research, and governance in its member institutions. It contributes to the international standing of the French-speaking scientific community by supporting its international activities in topics connected with university teaching and the development of societies (the professional application of theoretical content, integration into employment, university rankings, the role of IT staff, etc.).

    In order to conduct its activities and diversify its sources of funding, the AUF develops partnerships with international organizations, national and international associations and companies in the private sector that are interested in cooperating with universities.

    For more information about the AUF and the grants it offers, go to: